We searched Linus “Tech Tips” Sebastian’s most popular videos and picked the top 1000 comments based on number of likes, first comments, and frequently asked questions. From the most expensive thing he’s ever accidentally dropped to why on earth that fire truck video is so enduringly popular, we presented the best of the best of Linus’ personal history to the man himself and captured his reactions. Check out Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LinusTechTips Connect with Ars Technica: Visit ArsTechnica.com: http://arstechnica.com Follow Ars Technica on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arstechnica Follow Ars Technica on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ArsTechnica/videos Follow Ars Technica on Twitter: https://twitter.com/arstechnica Linus "Tech Tips" Sebastian Reacts to His Top 1000 YouTube Comments | Ars Technica